Library Service to an Aging Population

The preconference in New Orleans was cancelled due to low enrollment, but we have a great program planned for 2012 Annual in Anaheim. We also discussed publication options for the annotated guidelines for services to older adults, that Kathleen Hegarty and Barbara Mates recently completed working on. It was proposed that a goal for the committee this year could be updating our committee charge. We all recognized the value of discussion groups at Midwinter as a great opportunity to promote conversation around timely issues for our service population.

Jeff Kempe, Chair 2011-2012

Library Services to the Spanish Speaking

The RSS Services to the Spanish Speaking committee designed and conducted a survey of librarians from all types of libraries working with Spanish-speaking patrons. The survey received more than seventy responses. The committee revised the Guidelines for Library Services to Spanish Speakers and the Guidelines for the Development and Promotion of Multilingual Collections and Services. At our committee meeting at the 2011 Annual Conference,  the committee started discussing the possibility of organizing a discussion forum based on the survey results to be held at the 2012 ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim, California.

Gabriel J. Duque, Chair 2011-2012

Management of Reference Committee

The Management of Reference Committee has completed a draft revision of the Guidelines for Behavioral Performance of Reference and Information Service Providers. Suggestions, made by members of the RUSA Standards and Guidelines Committee, have been incorporated into the draft revision. This summer the current draft of the Guidelines will be posted to ALA Connect for feedback. This summer we will begin work on a revision of the Professional Competencies for Reference and User Services Librarians.

William Weare, Chair 2010-2012

Marketing and Public Relations for Reference

The committee had a fruitful annual conference. Our program, “Marketing Reference on a Dime,” the RUSA President’s Program, was a success! We had a tremendous panel who truly discussed the nuts and bolts of a successful marketing campaign and all the attendees came away with some marketing ideas and advice. All program presentations are located at the committee Facebook page. Log into Facebook and like ALA RUSA Marketing.

After Annual this year I officially stepped down as committee chair and off the committee. It has been a great five years serving on this committee, and I have learned a lot from other committee members and mentors who have guided me along the way as this was my first ALA committee assignment. The new incoming chair is Cathay Crosby who will lead the committee to more great work in the future!

Ed Garcia, Chair 2010-2011

Organization and Planning Committee

The committee met during the RSS All-Committee Meeting at the recent ALA Annual Conference 2011 in New Orleans. Two primary topics were addressed at the meeting:

  1. Cindy Levine, our new RSS Archivist, reviewed the new procedures for maintaining and archiving committee documents as described in the document, RSS: A Plan for Information Gathering, Maintenance, Organization, Access & Preservation.
  2. Ideas for how to accomplish an annual assessment of the section were shared, with the most likely solution involving the development of an annual survey of the membership.

Since the close of the Annual Conference, the new membership of Organization and Planning has communicated by email to develop a set of goals for the 2011-2012 year:

  1. Meet jointly with RSS Executive Committee in August, October/November, January, and April/May to review progress toward meeting goals and suggest any actions needed to address problems.
  2. Work with committee chairs to improve, repurpose, or eliminate committees that were identified as having problems during the most recent section review and/or during the spring 2011 committee appointments process. Create new committees where appropriate. Solicit input from the RSS Executive Committee through this process.
  3. Review the recommendations provided during the July 2011 RSS Executive Committee II meeting. Prioritize the recommendations and coordinate with RSS Executive Committee to implement appropriate changes.
  4. Work with RSS Executive Committee to build and sustain relationships with MARS and other sections of RUSA as appropriate. (Note: This includes the planning for the joint RSS/MARS series of Midwinter Workshops, with the first to take place in January 2013 in Seattle. Responsibility for planning the content of these workshops is expected to be assigned to a joint subcommittee of the Education and Professional Development Committee of both sections.)
  5. Review and revise the RSS Handbook.
    1. Create a program planning checklist. Include in next revision of RSS Handbook.
    2. Review the established communication channels used in RSS. Define the appropriate use of each and recommend addition of new channels or removal of existing channels. Include in next revision of RSS Handbook recommendations for use of each channel.
  6. Assess the section’s success in meeting the needs of its members through a survey and other evaluative means.
  7. The Organization  and Planning chair will provide a report four times a year for RSS Review.

I’d also like to take this moment to thank Operations and Planning’s past-chair, Barb Mann, for her work over the past year in revising the RSS Bylaws and RSS Handbook. The section is now better positioned to address the needs of its members due to the many improvements that were made to these documents!

Joe Thompson, Chair 2011-2012

Preconference Planning Committee

The RSS-MARS joint pre-conference, “Strange Bedfellows: IT and Reference Collaborations to Enhance User Experiences,” brought together a fantastic set of speakers and included a lively discussion with participants. Char Booth opened the session with a keynote speech on effective collaborative behaviors and included several examples to demonstrate successful applications of those behaviors. Dan Suchy and Matt Critchlow, both from University of California-San Diego presented on some of the projects they had completed together and discussed what worked and what didn’t. Catherine Murray-Rust, Dean of Libraries, Georgia Institute of Technology, discussed the importance of building trust demonstrating value. William Denton and Adam Taves, from York University, Toronto, performed a skit to demonstrate where collaborations break down and how to rebuild them. Joanne Kossuth, Technology Strategy team member at Educational and Institutional Cooperative Purchasing, led attendees in an interactive discussion to identify the necessary components to successful collaboration. To learn more, visit John Chrastkas post on the ALA Membership blog.

Carolyn Sheffield, Chair 2010-2011

Recognition Committee: RSS Service Achievement Award

Susan A. Ware, Reference and Instruction Librarian at Penn State University, was presented with the first RSS Service Achievement Award during the RUSA Awards Ceremony at the annual ALA conference in New Orleans.

Ware was nominated for a single, significant contribution that has resulted in a positive impact upon the work of the section and toward attaining the goals of RSS. After several years of work with the Evaluation of Reference and User Services Committee on the RUSA assigned project of developing guidelines for assessment of reference services and writing a new definition of reference, Ware volunteered to take charge of the project. She regularly attended committee and board meetings, contributing information and thoughts based upon the research she had done for the project. Ware followed this seven year project through new RSS chairs, new committee chairs and members, as well as through the change from MOUSS (Management and Operation of User Services Section) to RSS. Her dedication to the project resulted in the Measuring and Assessing Reference Services and Resources: A Guide and led to the final unveiling of the new Definition of Reference at a RUSA Board meeting in January 2008. For her tremendous and outstanding work with this project, the RSS Recognition Committee unanimously agreed that Susan is the perfect choice for the first RSS Service Achievement Award.

Lori Thornton, Chair 2010-2012

Research and Statistics Committee

The Research and Statistics Committee hosted the 17th Annual Reference Research Forum on Sunday, June 26. The three presentations were Ana Dubnjakovic’s “Recent Reference Transaction Statistics in Academic Libraries in the United States: Are Electronic Resources Responsible for the Decline?” examined the relationship between spending on electronic resources and reference transactions; Amanda Clay Powers’s “Mining Virtual Reference Data for an Iterative Assessment Cycle” examined the possible changes in chat questions and answers after the implementation of the EBSCO Discovery Service; and Amy VanScoy’s “Practitioner Beliefs of Reference Librarians in Academic Research Libraries” examined the values and attitudes held by academic reference librarians that influence their work. The committee also combed the literature to select exceptional articles detailing research in reference to the ReferenceResearchReview: 2010.

Qiana Johnson, Chair 2010-2012

Virtual Reference Services (MARS/RSS)

The RSS/MARS Virtual Reference Services Committee held its official meeting at ALA Annual in New Orleans on Saturday, June 25, as part of the RSS All-Committee meeting. Eight people were in attendance. The primary goal of the meeting was final planning for the committee’s sponsored program held on Monday, June 27, at 8:00 A.M., namely “Behind the Text: Pulling Back the Curtain on Virtual Reference.” (The program was quite successful with 135 attendees and several people offering congratulations and asking for the presenters’ slides.) The committee also discussed the program pending approval by RUSA Board for ALA Annual 2012 on evaluation of virtual reference services, (tentatively titled) “Are Virtual Reference Services Worth the Effort?,” and briefly brainstormed ideas for ALA Annual 2013. The Virtual Reference Tutorial Subcommittee reported on their exemplary work in updating the Online VR Tutorial. They are awaiting the migration of the ALA site to Drupal to update specific aspects of the tutorial, but they are prepared to move forward with two currently updated modules. The current plan is to conduct the committee’s official midwinter virtually in January 2012.

Don Boozer, Chair 2011-2012

Virtual Reference Tutorial Subcommittee

The 2010-11 term has been exciting and productive for the Virtual Reference (VR )Tutorial Subcommittee of RSS and MARS. As 2010-11 subcommittee chair, I gratefully acknowledge the collaboration, creativity and collegiality shared by all team members. This is a great team and everyone contributed to our successful results in 2010-11.

In the fall 2010, the subcommittee identified two significant goals for 2010-2011: Evaluate the existing VR tutorial, and identify needed improvements; develop pilot modules to replace existing content in the VR tutorial. At ALA Midwinter 2011, subcommittee representatives reported on the VR tutorial evaluation recommendations and described the development work planned for spring 2011. During the winter and spring, members identified two main modules to improve, update, and present at ALA Annual. By ALA Annual in June 2011, subcommittee members proudly reported that two pilot modules were improved and updated, and will be the first to move to the new delivery platform sponsored by ALA. In the 2011-2012 term, the subcommittee is committed to upgrading additional modules and looks forward to sharing results with our Virtual Reference Services (MARS/RSS) Committee colleagues.

Valli Hoski, Chair 2010-2011

Message from the Chair

Cindy Levine, Editor

Spring greetings, all Reference Services Section members!

If you’ll be in New Orleans for the ALA Annual Conference, please make sure that these RSS events are on your schedule:

  1. Friday, June 24, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm, preconference (registration required): Effective Library Service to Older Adults Seeking Employment and Volunteer Opportunities. Morial Convention Center, Room 275
  2. Friday, June 24, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, preconference (registration required): Strange Bedfellows: IT and Reference Collaborations to Enhance User Experiences.Morial Convention Center, Room 354
  3. Saturday, June 25, 8:00 – 10:00 am, RSS Open House and All Committee Meeting. New Orleans Marriott , Balconies L-N
  4. Saturday, June 25, 1:30 – 3:30 pm: The RUSA President’s Program: Marketing Reference on a Dime. Morial Convention Center, Rooms 383-385
  5. Sunday, June 26, 1:30 – 3:30 pm: Reference Research Forum. Morial Convention Center, Room 277
  6. Sunday, June 26, 4:00 – 5:30 pm: Using Today’s Numbers to Plan Tomorrow’s Services: Effective User Services Assessment. Morial Convention Center, Room 334
  7. Monday, June 27 from 8:00 – 10:00 am: Behind the Text: Pulling Back the Curtain on Virtual Reference (RSS/MARS). Morial Convention Center, Room 285

The RUSA election results are in and have been posted on the RUSA Blog. In RSS, we will be looking forward to welcoming to the RSS Executive Committee Sarah Hammill, RSS Vice Chair/Chair Elect (2011-2012) and Emilie Smart, RSS Member-at-Large (2011-2014). The revision of the RSS Bylaws that appeared on the ballot was also approved. Until we get them posted on the RSS ebsite, you can find the 2011 amended bylaws on ALA Connect. If you’re interested in being a candidate for a future RSS election, or have someone to recommend, Judy Solberg ( is the incoming chair of the RSS Nominations committe, and II’m sure would welcome your ideas! Many thanks go to everyone who ran for RSS office in the 2011 election.

In the months since Midwinter, the RSS Executive Committee has approved a thorough revision of our RSS Handbook. Thanks go especially to Barb Mann, RSS Organization and Planning Committee, and Liane Taylor for their work revising the Handbook.

To address the need to better archive our section’s documentation and its history, Cindy Levine and Liane Taylor have created a “Plan for Information Gathering, Maintenance, Organization, Access & Preservation”that has been subsequently approved by RSS Executive Committee. Cindy has also volunteered for the newly created role of RSS Archivist.

Even though we haven’t finished yet with the Annual Conference 2011 in New Orleans, two programs have been approved by RSS Executive Committee for next year’s Annual Conference 2012 in Anaheim. These proposals were submitted by the RSS/MARS Virtual Reference Services Committee and the RSS Library Services to an Aging Population Committee and will go on to the RUSA Conference Program Coordinating Committee for formal approval by the division. The next in the popular and long running Reference Research Forum series is also planned for 2012.

Furthering our longstanding partnership with MARS, we are in the early stages of planning a new series of Midwinter Workshops, with the first projected to take place in Seattle during Midwinter 2013. We anticipate that our RSS Education and Professional Development for Reference committee will be working with its companion MARS committee on this initiative, as well as working on developing new online training opportunities to be made available throughout the year. As this will be my last message as chair of RSS, I want to thank all of those members who have helped to make this a very productive year for the section. It’s been a pleasure to work with each of you and I hope that our paths will cross again. In the next issue you can expect to see Liane Taylor writing in this place as the RSS Chair for 2011-2012.

Joe Thompson, 2010–2011 Chair

RSS Open House

Saturday, June 25, 2011, 8:00 – 10:00 am; New Orleans Marriott, Balconies L-N

Are you looking for ways to become more involved in RSS? Are you interested in meeting and networking with other reference and information providers? Do you like free coffee and pastries?

Come to the RSS Open House, where you can enjoy refreshments provided by Emerald and learn more about the work being accomplished in RSS. RSS Officers and members will be available to answer your questions and suggest possible committees of interest, and you can visit committee tables where members will be available to talk about current projects. You are welcome to stay from 9:00 -10:00 am to sit at a committee table while they conduct their meeting.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Liane Taylor, Chair

Preconference Program – Strange Bedfellows: IT and Reference Collaborations to Enhance User Experiences

Friday June 24, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm; Morial Convention Center, Room 354

The RSS-MARS Pre-Conference Planning Committee is pleased to announce the speaker line-up for Strange Bedfellows:

  1. Char Booth, E-Learning Librarian, University of California, Berkeley: Keynote on the innovative technology-driven potential of meeting user needs when reference departments work in collaboration with IT.
  2. Dan Suchy, User Services Technology Analyst and Matthew Critchlow, Web Technical Manager, University of California, San Diego: Mobile apps
  3. Joanne Kossuth, Technology Strategy Team Member at Educational and Institutional Cooperative Purchasing: Technology Strategy Team Member at Educational and Institutional Cooperative Purchasing: Sharing resources between institutions
  4. Tom Maier, Senior Director Special Projects and Catherine Murray-Rust, Dean of Libraries, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta: Strategic Planning, Implementation, and Facilities Development across multiple departments within and beyond libraries
  5. William Denton, Web Librarian and Adam Taves, Reference and Instruction Librarian, York University, Toronto: Divisiveness, communication failure, and boundary wars as tragicomedy. A staged reading.

The afternoon will include breakout sessions where attendees can work with the speakers to brainstorm on applying the strategies presented to real-world projects that they are currently involved in or would like to see realized.

Don’t forget that Advanced Registration ends soon! Be sure to sign up at the reduced rate and don’t forget about the discounts available for multiple registrations.

To learn more, visit RUSA’s Preconference page.

The group registration form (PDF) can be downloaded here.

Strange Bedfellows is a joint offering from the Reference Services Section (RSS) and Machine Assisted Reference Services Section (MARS) of the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA).

Carolyn Sheffield and Donna Scanlon, Co-Chairs

Catalog Use

Discussion Forum: Diving into the Deep End
Saturday, June 25, 4:00 – 5:30 pm; Loews New Orleans, LaFourche room

The Catalog Use Committee is hosting a discussion forum at ALA Annual 2011: Diving into the Deep End. What are the consequences for users of the new discovery tools and their reliance upon relevancy-ranked results coming from large results sets? We are soliciting "reports from the field" from a number of types of practitioners: Someone doing library instruction; a frontline reference librarian; a user experience expert who can tell us how well users are catching on to these new tools. Essentially, we are looking at the question: "How do you teach these tools to new users and older users? What challenges have you found?"

Steve Ostrem, Chair

Discussion Forums Coordinating Committee

Mark your calendar for two discussions you don’t want to miss!

Data Reference: Tell Us How You Really Feel
Sunday, June 26, from 10:30 am – 12:00 pm; Morial Convention Center, Room 242

While reference transactions involving numeric data and statistics are not entirely new to libraries, they are increasingly frequent as many disciplines become more data-driven. Libraries are hearing from patrons at all levels who articulate a need to find, access, and use data in their research. While some libraries have begun to provide specialized services in response to this "data deluge," the role of the general reference librarian or subject specialist remains to be clarified in many cases. Accordingly, data reference will be the main focus of this discussion, designed to bring generalists and specialists together to talk about strategies for better serving our data-seeking patrons. All reference librarians with an interest in data are welcome to contribute. The goal is not to reach a consensus on best practices but to facilitate an open forum for discussing this important and often anxiety-inducing topic.

Discussion Conveners: Alexa Pearce & Samantha Guss, New York University

Come Together, Right Now: The Merging of Public Cervices and Changing Service Models in Academic Libraries
Monday, June 27, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm; Morial Convention Center, Room 241

The on-going trend of merging service points into ‘one-stop’ reference or public service points has been a common answer to the pressures of shrinking budgets. As a result, many specialized services, such as government documents assistance, writing services, and tutoring, have been merged to a single location. The purpose of this discussion topic is to explore the merging of public services in practice and theory as well as to provide a forum for the evaluation and critique of a unified and effective service point. The Information Commons set-up is the current and popular iteration of service point models for providing reference and research services. As the ‘one-stop shopping’ approach requires us to blend previously separate or specialized services, it is both relevant and revealing to discuss issues and challenges of blending services for our patrons. Issues such as quality and training as well as staffing are in the spotlight for discussion.

Discussion Conveners: Ava Iuliano and Lori Driver, Florida International University

Sarah Hammill, Chair

Evaluation of Reference and User Services

Using Today’s Numbers to Plan Tomorrow’s Services: Effective User Services AssessmentSunday June 26, at 4:00 – 5:30 pm; Morial Convention Center, Room 334

The Evaluation of Reference and User Services Committee of the Reference Services Section of RUSA will offer the program: Using Today’s Numbers to Plan Tomorrow’s Services: Effective User Services Assessment.

Assessment is one of the hottest topics in libraries nowadays as library managers look to “do more” with fewer resources. This program will focus on effective assessment methods and tools for user services. Presentations will explore how library managers determine what data are important to collect, and how results are interpreted and used for meaningful decision-making. The presenters are:

  1. James Fish, Director of the Baltimore County Public Library: Value of Empirical Information
  2. Jennifer Rutner, Assessment and Planning Librarian at the Columbia University Libraries: Informing Info Commons at Columbia
  3. Zsuzsa Koltay, Director of Assessment and Communication at Cornell University Library: Re-envisioning and Fine-tuning a Library System

Kornelia Vassileva Tancheva, Chair

Library Services to the Spanish Speaking

The Services to Spanish Speaking Populations committee will release a survey on May 5, 2011 to gather information from library staff serving Spanish speakers. The link to this survey will be distributed via professional listservs and on the committee’s website. Responses from this survey will guide the work of the committee in the coming year. The committee is also in the process of revising “Guidelines for the Development and Promotion of Multilingual Collections and Services” (2007) and “Guidelines for Library Services to Spanish-Speaking Library Users” (2007).

Marjorie Schreiber Lear, Chair

Management of Reference

The Management of Reference Committee is continuing its work revising the “Guidelines for Behavioral Performance of Reference and Information Service Providers.” Currently, the committee is reviewing a final draft; we hope to send the draft to the section chair, the RUSA Exec Director, and the chair of Standards and Guidelines by the end of the month. I hope to arrange that this be on the agenda for the RUSA Standards and Guidelines Committee at Annual. Following Annual, we will, if recommended to do so by the Standards and Guidelines Committee, make the draft available for feedback from the membership.

William Weare, Chair

Marketing & Public Relations Committee – Marketing Reference on a Dime

Saturday June 25th from 1:30 – 3:30 pm; Morial Convention Center, Rooms 383-385

The Marketing & Public Relations Committee will be hosting an exciting program at ALA Annual in New Orleans: Marketing Reference on a Dime. We are honored that the program has also been picked as this year’s RUSA President’s Program.

The program Marketing Reference on a Dime will consist of several short presentations on successful, low-cost and free reference marketing initiatives. We have assembled a stellar panel including: Manya Shorr (Sacramento Public Library, Library Journal Mover & Shaker 2010), Amy Mather (Omaha Public Library, Library Journal Mover & Shaker 2010), Kathy Dempsey (Libraries are Essential Consultants, M Word Blog), Nancy Dowd (New Jersey State Library, M Word Blog) & Selene Colburn (University of Vermont).

We hope everyone who attends will leave with at least one marketing idea they can implement at their library!

Ed Garcia, Chair

Research and Statistics

The Research and Statistics committee is sponsoring the 17th Annual Reference Research Forum. Through a blind peer-review process, the committee selected three research projects—Ana Dubnjakovic’s “Recent Reference Transactions Statistics in Academic Libraries in the United States: Are Electronic Resources Responsible for the Decline?”; Amanda Clay Powers’s “Mining Virtual Reference Data for an Iterative Assessment Cycle”; and Amy VanScoy’s “Practitioner Beliefs of Reference Librarians in Academic Research Libraries.” The Forum will be held Sunday, June 26 from 1:30-3:30 pm at the Morial Convention Center in room 277. Join us to hear about exciting research in the area of reference and user services.

Qiana Johnson, Chair

RSS Service Achievement Award

Susan A. Ware, Reference and Instruction Librarian at Penn State University, has been chosen as the recipient of the first RSS Service Achievement Award which will be presented to her at the annual ALA conference this June in New Orleans.

Ware was nominated for a single, significant contribution that has resulted in a positive impact upon the work of the section and toward attaining the goals of RSS. After several years of work with the Evaluation of Reference and User Services Committee on the RUSA assigned project of developing guidelines for assessment of reference services and writing a new definition of reference, Ware volunteered to take charge of the project. She regularly attended committee and board meetings, contributing information and thoughts based upon the research she had done for the project. Ware followed this seven year project through new RSS chairs, new committee chairs and members, as well as through the change from MOUSS to RSS. Her dedication to the project resulted in the Measuring and Assessing Reference Services and Resources: A Guide and led to the final unveiling of the “New Definition of Reference” at a RUSA Board meeting in January 2008. For her tremendous and outstanding work with this project, the award committee unanimously agreed that Susan is the perfect choice for the first RSS Service Achievement Award.

Lori Thornton, Chair

Virtual Reference Services Committee Update (RSS/MARS) – Behind the Text: Pulling Back the Curtain on Virtual Reference

Monday, June 27, from 8:00 – 10:00 am; Morial Convention Center, Room 285

The RSS/MARS Virtual Reference Services Committee will be hosting an exciting program at ALA Annual in New Orleans: Behind the Text: Pulling Back the Curtain on Virtual Reference. Although hardware and software play a pivotal role in virtual reference (VR) services, it is the human interaction, as with all reference transactions, that is most important. This panel, moderated by Peter Bromberg will put to rest some of the misconceptions about VR, present ideas on teaching with VR, and examine elements that contribute to positive experiences for librarians and patrons. The panelists are Lisa A. Ellis (Associate Professor and Information Services Librarian, Baruch College, New York), Kris Johnson (AskColorado/AskAcademic Coordinator, Colorado State Library), and Jennifer Robinson (Librarian, Virtual & Instruction Services, The Seattle Public Library). Audience participation is encouraged, and there will be time for your questions during the program. Prepare to have your ideas about what VR is and what it can do expanded.

Also of note is that the official meeting of the RSS/MARS Virtual Reference Services Committee will take place during the RSS All-Committee Meeting and Open House on Saturday, June 25, from 8:00 – 10:00 am, in the New Orleans Marriott (Balconies L – N). If you are interested in the work of the committee, you welcome to stop by our table.

Daniel Boozer, Co-Chair