Virtual Reference Tutorial Subcommittee

The 2010-11 term has been exciting and productive for the Virtual Reference (VR )Tutorial Subcommittee of RSS and MARS. As 2010-11 subcommittee chair, I gratefully acknowledge the collaboration, creativity and collegiality shared by all team members. This is a great team and everyone contributed to our successful results in 2010-11.

In the fall 2010, the subcommittee identified two significant goals for 2010-2011: Evaluate the existing VR tutorial, and identify needed improvements; develop pilot modules to replace existing content in the VR tutorial. At ALA Midwinter 2011, subcommittee representatives reported on the VR tutorial evaluation recommendations and described the development work planned for spring 2011. During the winter and spring, members identified two main modules to improve, update, and present at ALA Annual. By ALA Annual in June 2011, subcommittee members proudly reported that two pilot modules were improved and updated, and will be the first to move to the new delivery platform sponsored by ALA. In the 2011-2012 term, the subcommittee is committed to upgrading additional modules and looks forward to sharing results with our Virtual Reference Services (MARS/RSS) Committee colleagues.

Valli Hoski, Chair 2010-2011