Preconference Planning Committee

The RSS-MARS joint pre-conference, “Strange Bedfellows: IT and Reference Collaborations to Enhance User Experiences,” brought together a fantastic set of speakers and included a lively discussion with participants. Char Booth opened the session with a keynote speech on effective collaborative behaviors and included several examples to demonstrate successful applications of those behaviors. Dan Suchy and Matt Critchlow, both from University of California-San Diego presented on some of the projects they had completed together and discussed what worked and what didn’t. Catherine Murray-Rust, Dean of Libraries, Georgia Institute of Technology, discussed the importance of building trust demonstrating value. William Denton and Adam Taves, from York University, Toronto, performed a skit to demonstrate where collaborations break down and how to rebuild them. Joanne Kossuth, Technology Strategy team member at Educational and Institutional Cooperative Purchasing, led attendees in an interactive discussion to identify the necessary components to successful collaboration. To learn more, visit John Chrastkas post on the ALA Membership blog.

Carolyn Sheffield, Chair 2010-2011