Education and Training Committee

The Committee will again sponsor the very popular workshop: “Everything You Always Wanted to Know about ILL but Were Afraid to Ask” at the 2012 Midwinter Meeting at the Dallas Public Library. The speakers will be Megan Gaffney, Karen Janke, Cindy Kristof, and Collette Mak. OCLC will again provide refreshments, and Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS) will handle registration.

Four YouTube videos featuring ILL librarians discussing different aspect of ILL have been filmed, with more to come. These videos are aimed at informing library school students about the opportunities in interlibrary loan since our field is rarely discussed in library education. The first set of videos will be vetted by MLS students and then released to the public in the near future.

The Committee will review the Atlas Mentoring Award to set selection and mentoring guidelines.

Margaret Bean, Outgoing Chair