Committee Reports

STARS Membership Committee

RUSA STARS Membership Committee has been busy working on the STARS 10th Anniversary Celebration with the extended planning committee. We’ve been exploring venues, themes, time lines, etc.—all based on the feedback we received from our members! Make a note to attend our special 10th Anniversary Social in Las Vegas! Membership also recently revised the Five Things to ensure updated links and resources. We also welcomed Naomi Chow as the newest STARGazer:!

Micquel Little, Chair

Virginia Boucher-OCLC Distinguished ILL Librarian Award Committee

The Virginia Boucher-OCLC Distinguished ILL Librarian Award committee has finished accepting nominations and is in the process of vetting candidates. We look forward to announcing the 2014 winner in the near future. Look for the news in an upcoming STARS section newsletter.

Megan Gaffney, Chair

STARS Education and Training Committee

On Friday January 24, 2014, the RUSA STARS Education and Training Committee held its seventh annual free “Everything You Always Wanted to Know about ILL” workshop at Drexel University’s Library Learning Terrace. Fifty-six attendees learned about the basics of interlibrary loan including borrowing, lending, copyright, assessment, and statistics from speakers Megan Gaffney, Karen Janke, Cindy Kristof, and Collette Mak. Atlas Systems, OCLC, and Drexel Libraries generously sponsored the event.

Karen Okamoto, Chair

STARS Rethinking Resource Sharing Policies Committee

At Midwinter we met to discuss expanding the STAR Checklist and we will have a new and improved version ready soon!

Beth Posner, Chair

Atlas Systems-Mentoring Award Committee

The Atlas Systems-Mentoring Award committee has selected one nomination for this award and is waiting on final approval from the STARS Executive Board. We received seventeen applicants and the committee took a lot of time reviewing and discussing to finally select a winner.

Hopefully we will have a name to share in the very near future!

Amy Paulus, Chair

CODES/STARS Cooperative Collection Development Committee

The CODES/STARS Cooperative Collection Development Committee is busy at work, updating ILL Code documents. We’ll announce when updates are completed in a future STARS section newsletter.

Ryan Litsey, Chair

STARS Research and Assessment Committee

The STARS Research and Assessment Committee met at the ALA Midwinter and discussed the following:

  • We created procedures for survey assessments of workshops for RUSA STARS and are sent them to the Executive Committee for approval.
  • We have analyzed the feedback surveys from three programs, two from Annual 2013 and one from an online workshop. These will be going to be placed on ALA Connect and the chairs of the committees will be notified.
  • We will be doing the same for the Discussion Group and Hot Topics groups at Midwinter 2014.
  • We are also working on a proposal for a program at Annual 2015. We will be proposing a lightning round session of practical examples of assessment tools and outcomes including effects on collection development and marketing. Our working title is ILL Data-Storm: practical assessment.

Bethany B. Sewell, Chair

Vendor Relations Committee

The Vendor Relations Committee is planning its next meeting for ALA Annual in Las Vegas. We look forward to setting goals for increasing vendor communication with STARS members and welcome recommendations from all STARS members. Please feel free to contact Alison DePollo, at with ideas or feedback.

Alison DePollo, Chair