Message from the Chair


Kerry Keegan, Editor



My thanks to you for a terrific year. It has been my honor to serve as our section’s chair and to work with so many wonderful colleagues. As this newsletter attests, STARS is a very active and engaging organization. Our training, outreach, and membership initiatives now serve as models for RUSA.

As much as I’d like to bask the past year’s afterglow, I’m really looking forward to next year: Looking forward to Nora Dethloff’s tenure as our fearless leader. Looking forward to more sharing through our section’s webinars and programs. And looking forward to a celebration. During ALA Annual, 2014, Las Vegas, our section will celebrate 10 years of awesome. And STARS awesomeness is one thing that will not stay in Vegas.

Again, it has been my honor to serve such an outstanding organization and with such outstanding people. We do share and transform, and not just information resources. We share and we transform one another.

Thank you,

David Atkins