BRASS Conference Program Planning Committee

One of the most highly anticipated programs at Annual is the BRASS program which will take place Monday, June 27 from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm. This year Mark Andersen, BRASS chair, leads the BRASS program: The Business of Social Media: How to Plunder the Treasure Trove!

Presenters include Scott Brown, the owner of the Social Information Group and popular workshop leader for SLA’s recent webinars on using social media; Laurie Bridges, librarian at Oregon State University who has spoken and written extensively on the use of social media; and Stephen Abram, a leading technology commentator. Presenters will demonstrate how business can successfully target social networking applications and how librarians can better position their reference services and collections to assist business users with this exciting new medium.

What better way to advertise this program and share information about this program on Facebook? Visit the BRASS NOLA Business of Social Media Facebook page and join the conversation. And if this program interests you, please "like" it. Tell your friends and colleagues, too.

Breakfast, which is graciously provided by Standard & Poor’s, will begin at 8:00 am with actual program starting with introductions beginning at 8:30 am.

The hard working members of the 2011 Program Planning Committee are:

Mark Andersen, BRASS Chair
Anthony B. Lin
Betsy Clementson
Ed Hahn
Jason Dewland
Julia Martin
Laura B. Carscaddon
Mary K VanUllen
Paul Brothers
Ann Fiegen, BRASS program chair

Ann Fiegen, 2010-2011 Chair