BRASS Business Reference in Academic Libraries Committee

The committee had a very productive business meeting at ALA Annual in New Orleans and made plans to work on four projects in the coming year:

  1. Updating the AACSB Resource Guide on the BRASS website with new article citations and self-evaluation examples.
  2. Producing two new issues of the committee’s newsletter Academic BRASS.
  3. Planning the program for the BRASS Forum at the 2012 ALA Annual Conference.
  4. Designing a survey to identify business databases licensed by business schools rather than their campus library.

Input from BRASS members will be solicited on BRASS-L to help with collecting new AACSB self-evaluation examples, newsletter article submissions, and topic proposals for the BRASS Forum. If you are not participating in the BRASS-L discussion list, you can send your input on any of these issues directly to the committee chair, Lydia LaFaro, at

Lydia LaFaro, Chair 2009-2012